3 Thing to Consider Before Hiring a Diversity Coach

DIVERSITY is a word that most companies don’t want to acknowledge until it’s too late. While it sounds good in the mission statement and company philosophy, most never actually implement a true diversity process into their leadership style and daily workplace culture. It’s leadership’s job to set the tone, boundaries, and the structure so that diversity can thrive in an organization.

Most companies want their workplace to reflect their client base and consumers, and for good reason. These days, whatever you sell, you sell to a variety of ethnic groups, religions, and gender. So a diversity problem in your organization–if not contained in house–can have a negative impact on your bottom line.

This is why CEOs and business owners are so sensitive when it comes to the diversity issues that plague society, after all society is in your workplace. Even further, this is probably the biggest reason many CEOs defected from President Trump’s council, fearing that his comments would damage their brand, and ultimately their profit

The overall point is this: diversity matters, and it matters a lot. And many businesses opt to hire a diversity coach to help them implement their goals. If you decided to reach out to a diversity coach, here are three things to consider.

1: Check the background

Most diversity presenters are just that! Presenters. Make sure that your diversity coach has experience dealing with different people unlike themselves and are not from a segregated lifestyle. In other words make sure they’re teaching from experience, not an off the shelf canned presentation.

2: Check that they’re goal oriented.

Make sure your diversity coach can connect your diversity goals to your company’s business objectives and philosophy. Connecting these goals is so important because the many different views that exist throughout society also exist in your company. Get everyone on the same page.

3: Check that they can teach AND implement

Make sure your diversity coach is also a great teacher. S/he needs to be able to coach everyone from the C-suite to third shift manufacturing on company policies, adapting leadership styles, and living out the company philosophy to deliver better business results.

Diversity throughout your company is very important because diversity of thought, experience, and leadership styles drives better results. Hire a diversity coach who will design programs so they also have a dog in the fight!